Sunday, July 28, 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Karov L’Shavateinu (a capella version)
Copied from Facebook and YouTube:
A Prayer for Seeing a Soldier (by Hanna Yerushalmi)
Copied from The Times of Israel
At the corner of Kaplan and Ibn Gvirol,
you stand next to me waiting to cross,
a tower of olive with dust on your boots,
and I barely subdue a primal urge
to wrap my arms around you.
what can I say to you?
For centuries, we had no defenders,
just amulets and allies,
and now your body is but one brick
in a massive wall of protection.
There is a prayer for seeing a rainbow,
but what is the prayer for seeing a soldier?
A poem for a Fast Day (by Rachel Danziger) 😢
Copied from Facebook:
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Re the attempted assassination of Donald Trump
Copied from Facebook
This is not the American way
In the United States, we choose our leaders using ballots, not bullets.
No would-be assassin is going to keep me away from the voting booth. I wish Donald Trump a speedy and complete recovery, and hope that he'll be defeated in the November election.
Sunday, July 07, 2024
I find many Korach commentaries annoying
Let me put this bluntly--there was no such thing as cloning in biblical times, so Korach could not have been swallowed up by the earth around his tent because he was at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting at the time. A lot of commentary annoys me because it supports the tradition that Korach was swallowed up by the earth when the text does not necessarily support that interpretation. As far as I'm concerned, Korach was killed at the Tent of Meeting along with all the other rebellious Levites. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
See my Tuesday, June 27, 2017 post, Parshat Korach, 5777/2017 thoughts, a bit belated, which is the long version of this post.